Idiomas - Idioms

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īsāk sakot
Īsāk sakot - mūs iegāza.
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to cut a long story short
To cut a long story short, we were framed.
nav limita
Šajā valstī viss ir iespējams.
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sky's the limit
This is a sky’s-the-limit country.
kāda dēļ riskēt
Šī ir pēdējā reize, kad es tevis dēļ riskēju!
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to stick (one's) neck out for sb
It's the last time I'm sticking my neck out for you!
būt apnikušam
Man ir apnikušas tavas patstāvīgās sūdzības.
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to be sick and tired of
I'm sick and tired of your constant complaints.
pavadīt laiku
Es, galvenokārt, pavadu laiku ar skolas draugiem.
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to hang out
I mostly hang out with my friends from school.
Viņš ir ļoti mierīgs, mērens cilvēks, bet viņa brālis ir karstgalvis.
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a hothead
He’s a very calm, moderate person, but his brother is a hothead.
pazust nemanītam
Viņa pēkšņi pazuda nemanot.
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to disappear into thin air
She suddenly disappeared into thin air.
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