Polish English Dictionary

język polski - English

zaprosić in English:

1. invite

invite to
On the one hand I called you to invite you to dinner, on the other to tell you my son is getting married.
In order to have an idea of our current projects, we invite you to visit [url].
In Harbin, many people invite me to their homes to have dinner.
I don't have a stamp collection, but I have a Japanese postcard collection that I could use as an excuse to invite her.
If you meet the Orleanu sisters, invite them to Ruxandra's birthday. And don't forget their brother.
If Jane's mother were in Japan, I could invite her to the Doll's Festival.
I had an argument with my sister about whom to invite.
I feel a little guilty that I didn't invite him to join the celebration.
In which case, I was also requested to invite all of you so if you would please accompany me...
Would you like to come out to dinner with me? He invited m to go out to dinner with him.
My cousin Greg is never invited to our family parties and meetings
to ask someone to come to a social event zapraszać They've invited us to the wedding.
... a day that invites people to think about their eco-sins.
The boy stated that he would give a bouquet of roses to the girl that he liked, talk with her, and invite her to have a coffee.

English word "zaprosić"(invite) occurs in sets:

Egzamin gimnazjalny słówka do ćw. 7 i 9
AW: E: Special Introductory Verb
Rep. 8 unit 3- życie towarzyskie (święta i uroczys...
2 Formy bezokolicznikowe z (to)

2. invite over

English word "zaprosić"(invite over) occurs in sets:

The Stuff in Our Lives
lesson 3 - 14.02.2023
Bridget Jones's Diary

3. ask out

English word "zaprosić"(ask out) occurs in sets:

FCE Results, Workbook, 3 What's so funny str. 18-19
słówka NCE up. int.- UNIT 1
Test Health and reactions
Phrasal verbs #3

4. invite sb to

English word "zaprosić"(invite sb to) occurs in sets:

Special introductory words
Reported speech
reporting verbs

5. invite to

English word "zaprosić"(invite to) occurs in sets:

reporting verbs
Phrasal verbs

6. take sb out

English word "zaprosić"(take sb out) occurs in sets:

słówka dział 1

7. invited me to

English word "zaprosić"(invited me to) occurs in sets:

+ somebody + to infinitive
introductory verb