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część garderoby
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an article of clothing
źdźbło trawy
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a blade of grass
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a board of directors
pęk kluczy
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a bunch of keys
warstwa farby
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a coat of paint
środek nocy
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the dead of night
przypływ zazdrości
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a fit of jealousy
przebłysk błyskotliwości
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a flash of brilliance
klatka schodowa, schody
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a flight of stairs
ziarno piasku
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a grain of sand
etap podróży
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a leg of a journey
stek bzdur
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a load of rubbish
środek/rodzaj transportu
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a means/mode of transport
stek kłamstw
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a pack of lies
tafla szkła
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a pane of glass
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a piece of advice
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a piece of furniture
deska z drewna
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a plank of wood
drobina pyłu
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a speck of dust
dużo czasu
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stacks of time
burza protestu
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a storm of protest
odcinek autostrady
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a stretch of (the) motorway
łut szczęścia, fuks
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a stroke of luck
bogactwo informacji
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wealth of information
bogactwo doświadczenia
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wealth of experience
bogactwo wiedzy
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wealth of knowledge
fala napadów (podwyżek cen)
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a spate of robberies (price increases)
okres dobrej (/słonecznej/złej) pogody
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a spell of good (/sunny/bad) weather
wraz z nadejściem czegoś
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with the advent of sth
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put trust in
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przezwyciężyć przeciwności losu
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overcome adversity
pogarszać się
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być w dobrych stosunkach z kimś
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hit it off with somebody
stwierdzać autorytatywnie
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lay down the law

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