English English Dictionary

English - English

against in English:

1. insure

Insure it, please.
You’d better insure your car.
His appearance was so repulsive that I had to have my mirrors insured.
You should insure the painting for at least £100,000.
our company will insure you in case of any accident
The policy insures you against damage and theft.
We agreed at our last meeting that we would insure the company here.
Insure your house against fire.

2. grudge

Watch out for him. That guy can really hold a grudge.
I bear him no grudge.
I think she’ll forever bear a grudge against her parents.
Perhaps it's revenge, or some long-standing grudge.
It's not serious, I don't bear him a grudge.
Is there anyone who might have had a grudge against her?
You can never hold a grudge in Silicon Valley.
Some grudge it because it stands on the way of their goal.
He lied her in very important issue, so she has grudge to him.
He is not the type of person to bear a grudge against anyone.
She still harbours a grudge against some of her classmates today.
Having come so far, he grudged every moment spent away from his work.
Don't hold a grudge.
I don't bear grudges very often.
She bears no grudge towards him

English word "against"(grudge) occurs in sets:

Prepositions for Ewa

3. counter

It's at that counter.
See that guy over there at the counter drinking whisky? He's pretty much my type.
Throat and nose membranes hurt by dry air allow cold viruses to enter more easily. It is important to carry out sensible counter plans against the cold with heaters and against the dryness with humidifiers.
Registration for the first visit is at Counter No.1.
The flow of evacuation events from occurrence of a large earthquake to the conclusion of emergency counter measures.
To keep holding the barrier up is just to wait for death! So we're going to go out past the wall and counter attack the enemy, you ready!?
In the Tokyo stock market, stocks of about 450 companies are traded over the counter.
When the counter value reaches the assigned 'lucky-number' it displays a congratulatory message.
Pac-Man, when a certain condition is reached, can counter attack and eat the monsters chasing him.
a counter attack
This counter helps to count how many calories are in your favourite food.
At the newsagent’s; you go to the counter to buy a newspaper and they offer to sell you a L1 chocolate bar.
The USA sent extra troops to counter the rising violence in Afghanistan.
He counters well and makes his point.
An Englishman, a Belgian and a Dutchman enter a pub and sit down at the counter. Says the barkeeper, "Wait a minute, is this a joke or what?"

English word "against"(counter) occurs in sets:

the A to Z alternative words
#2 wejściówka ([nie]formalne)

4. count

Count me in.
A poor school record will count against you when you look for a job.
A man who angers easily should learn to count to ten - it calms trouble like pouring oil on troubled waters.
Write two expressions that are followed by either count or non-count nouns in conversation.
If there's no life after death, then you'd better make this life count.
Early man used his fingers and toes to count the animals he owned, or the measures of grain he had stored.
Count as one fractions of half a yen and over, but ignore those of less.
Surrounded by hordes of vampires, Christopher Columbus once had an epic sword duel with Count Dracula in the latter's castle. After the Count cut off Columbus's hand, Columbus calmly picked it up, put it back in place, and proceeded to best the Count.
Oi you, that's too much of a rip off by anyone's count! 6:4 is more than enough. Of course I'm the '6'.
You are wrong on almost every count; I think you have to reconsider your argumentation.
It doesn't count. What is the total passenger count? I'll count up to ten. She quickly counted the money.
Lgs that are used only as a 2nd lg are excluded from these counts.
People who count their chickens before they are hatched act very wisely because chickens run about so absurdly that it's impossible to count them accurately.
You mustn't be late, OK? "But if the teacher's late too it doesn't count, right?"
I would be bored if I had to count to five hundred twenty-four thousand three hundred seventy-two.

English word "against"(count) occurs in sets:

verbs/adjectives, nouns with propositions C

5. offence

I found it truly regrettable that he should take offence.
Such an offence is punished by a fine and/or imprisonment.
cause offence
Any offence against himself he forgave readily.
Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence.
The law prescribes certain penalties for this offence.
It is hard to prevent hardened criminals from committing any offence.
I really didn't mean (to cause/give) any offence (= did not intend to upset anyone) - I was just stating my opinion.
He took it as a personal offence that Henry was promoted before him.
A groundless reduction of employee benefits is an offence.
Take no offence, but I think your qualifications aren't enough for this job.
He was not aware that he had committed an offence. Many people take offence at swearing.
In many countries these days it is an offence to smoke in various public places.
Offence is another word for offense, which is a wrongdoing or discourtesy. When you break a legal rule or a social norm, this is an example of an offence.

English word "against"(offence) occurs in sets:

verbs/adjectives, nouns with propositions M, N, O

6. in spite of

He got fired in spite of all his hard work.
She loved him in spite of the fact that he drank too much.
We went camping in spite of the weather
in spite of the rain
in spite of evidence, they did not belive him
He still smokes, in spite of all the health warnings.
He got fired in spite of all his hard work. I wasn’t cold in spite of the snow. I wasn’t cold despite the snow.
They travel abroad every year in spite of the cost.
Tina seems to be happy, in spite of her recent problems.
Jane's been unfaithful to Jim three times, but he still loves her in spite of everything.
in spite of this, lwe can continue
We can continue in spite of this,
He was suddenly cold in spite of the sun
in spite of

7. protest

Not only did they ignore the protest, they also lied to the press.
Before I could protest, I was handcuffed and was on my way to prison.
Only through protest can a free and open society be maintained.
What's your favorite protest song?
I dismissed the protest.
Ever louder voices of protest drowned out his speech.
Activists are stepping up their protest drive.
Martin Luther King, Jr. persuaded the black citizens to protest peacefully.
From time to time, a proposal to pull down a much-loved old building to make room for a new block of flats, raises a storm of angry protest.
On the other hand, when public officials act wrongly, Americans feel a responsibility to protest.
Ruritania summoned Balquiria's chargé d'affaires to protest against the violations of human rights in the latter's country.
I cannot pass the matter by without making a protest.
The storm of protests led to political changes.
There is a protest under way in Brazil, in which hundreds of civil society organisations are participating.
Years later, he is still protesting his innocence.

8. against

against the wall
There are several good protections against temptation, but the surest is cowardice.
All the soldiers were called out by the king to defend the castle against all opposition.
Every time I join a new game of Warcraft, I am pitted against a new team of adversaries.
Against my advice, he fed his dog some raw pork.
Don't discriminate against people based on nationality, gender, or occupation.
Our city's transport problems are minor when measured against capitals like London and New York.
The man put the gun against his forehead and squeezed the trigger.
He clinched the election when he came out against a tax increase.
A poor school record will count against you when you look for a job.
How long can we hold out against the superior enemy attacks?
There are many arguments against smoking cigarettes. Smoking in public places is against the law.
The dollar was devalued against the Japanese currency from 360 yen to 308 yen.
I want to study abroad, even if my parents are against it.
It turned out that the cards were stacked against her from the beginning of the game.

9. the law

10. This document helps measure the project success at the end of the project against the project objectives

11. contra

É contra a lei subornar.
¡No maneje contra el árbol!<br/>Estoy en contra de esta solución.<br/>¿Quién juega contra quién?

12. react

If someone irritates you, it is best not to react immediately.
He reacted angrily to her comments
She doesn’t react well to stress.
Plant growth and productivity react sharply to a complex combination of temperature and moisture.
Young people naturally react against the attitudes of their parents.
Cause and effect react upon each other.
Training conditions workers to react quickly to an emergency.
The President's decision caused the market to react.
‘I suggested that we should stay at home this summer.’ ‘And how did your family react to your suggestion?’
I can't believe you're reacting this way
It is not necessary to react to everything you notice. When you react to something, you respond to it.
I often imagine how people would react to my death.
The audience reacted by shouting and booing.
Definition when you react, you do something because of something else that has just happened
People react to the frustration in much the same way.

13. to be vaccinated

14. for

Is this for me?
This book is for students whose native language is not Japanese.
The bricklayer calculated that he would need 500 bricks for the wall.
The people next door were annoyed with us for making so much noise last night.
Why do you insist on paying for your school expenses yourself, when your parents are willing to give you financial support?
He attended the high school for three years without missing a single day or being late.
Even though I have studied English at school for the past six years, I'm still not good at speaking it.
The market for luxury goods is growing fast.
For all his wealth, he was still unhappy.
I will do that work on condition that I get paid for it.
Almost everyone in the class voted in favor of having a thank-you party for the teachers.
How about going for a drive to Lake Yamanaka with us tomorrow?
The two men understood one another perfectly, and had a mutual respect for each other's strong qualities.
After spending three weeks looking for a job, he found a well-paid one.
Your boyfriend got tired of waiting for you and left just now.