English English Dictionary

English - English

from in English:

1. different different

You look different.
I consider the Jehovah's witnesses who knock on my door all the time to be no different from religious zealots trying to force their beliefs on me.
Mathematicians are like French people: whatever you tell them they translate it into their own language and turn it into something totally different.
Jo's very different from her sister, isn't she? The house is different to how I expected it to be. I had to go to three different shops to find the book she wanted.
It's difficult to give an objective definition of terrorism, as it is practically different in every country.
Our teacher also said that her wedding wouldn't be the same as other people's; we asked how it would be different, but she didn't say.
Here ... the sound of the cicadas is different. "Oh my, I'm impressed you noticed. You've got a good sense of pitch!"
Using English with him, I feel that we are both at different levels, at least from a linguistic point of view.
The methods used to overcome stress are different for men and women: drinking is the major method used by men, while women deal with stress by chatting.
That's not what I mean. Sex discrimination, female discrimination, whatever, men and women are just different.
I preferred wearing my Hawaiian T-shirt and green shorts to be cool and different, but I quickly got used to the white shirt and black slacks.
I'm teaching basic participial constructions now, but, with regard to those below, what different ways of translating them would everybody use?
Beauty is no quality in things themselves: It exists merely in the mind which contemplates them; and each mind perceives a different beauty.
These two have completely different patterning but no difference is seen in their internal morphology so it seems that they are considered the same.

English word "from"(different) occurs in sets:

verbs/adjectives, nouns with propositions D
Adjectives + prepositions
Adjectiv/ noun + preposition
prepositions sritions
Prepositions for Ewa

2. safe safe

Nearly one billion people around the globe lack access to clean, safe water.
We have a right to demand a safe future for ourselves and future generations.
Safe journey.
However men, seeking the contents of that safe, kidnap Hana. And those men were really detectives.
For our children to be safe, please do not enter adult sites.
It is fairly safe to say that the family bound for Australia, or wherever it may be, has in its mind a vision of a nice house, or a flat, with maybe a bit of garden.
He decided to play it safe and pull out of the tournament due to his injured knee.
The Bible, as a revelation from God, was not designed to give us all the information we might desire, nor to solve all the questions about which the human soul is perplexed, but to impart enough to be a safe guide to the haven of eternal rest.
One of the important differences between Japanese and Americans is that Japanese tend to choose a safe course in life, while Americans choose to explore and challenge life.
The "buddy system" is a way to stay safe while hiking in the woods, except when encountering pregnant bears, which eat for two or even three or four.
Just because it's a "safe day" I'm not going to make out like monkeys without protection. Isn't it the duty of loving sex to take proper care of contraception?
They'll be attacked if they carelessly express an original viewpoint, so they only report on the safe options.
if you do something to be on the safe side, you do not take any risks because you want to be sure you will not fail or have any problems
Insurance makes us remember that the world we live in isn't completely safe; we might fall ill, face danger or encounter the unexpected.
1. Are we safe here? / 2. The company offers safe working conditions. / 3. Let's go, it's not safe here. / 4. Put your money in the hotel safe when you go out, just in case. / 5. There is a safe in every room.

English word "from"(safe) occurs in sets:

Prepositions od Jane II
the biggest shit

3. benefit benefit

The advantage gained from something. the benefit of eating vegetables is that you are healthier. 2: benefit of the doubt. Choosing to believe someone despite their story or claims being likely to be untrue.
I got it through my head that my parent's strict rules were for my own benefit.
unemployment benefit
I have often observed how little young ladies are interested by books of a serious stamp, though written solely for their benefit. It amazes me, I confess; for, certainly, there can be nothing so advantageous to them as instruction.
Human society is a function of all humanity, those who profit most from it should pay the most for the benefit they gain, of course being greedy, they just want more.
The life lesson: giving people the benefit of the doubt can further your career and personal relationships!
I have one of my friends who graduated from university and became a fine public servant. Once he told me that what he had learned from school had been useless. However, what little philosophy he had learned proved to be of great benefit.
Students, when you want to say something, think about it three times before you say it. Speak only if your words will benefit yourselves and others. Do not speak if it brings no benefit.
Some people do not have a consistent set of principles; they just adopt whatever principles benefit them at the moment.
They claim that cigarettes have many psychological benefits, for example they calm them down and make them feel better.
How have people benefited from the fact that medicine has advanced so much in the last years?
Although government and military agencies were among the first to explore drones for their warfare capabilities, these winged devices are now also marketed to kids,(...), and just about anyone who can benefit from a viewpoint in the skies around them.
Visa liberalisation is intended to benefit the people of these countries, not to reward their politicians.
to be on benefit(s) / salary £20,000 plus benefits

English word "from"(benefit) occurs in sets:

verbs/adjectives, nouns with propositions B
Prepositions for Ewa
Gerundy prop.

4. absent

Who is absent?
I had a bad headache yesterday. That was why I was absent.
With so many people absent this week, we weren't able to complete the project.
If he is absent, we will not have an English test.
I visited him only to find him absent.
The teacher has marked his name absent.
Talk of the absent and he will appear.
It is important to avoid having anyone absent from his assignment.
The principal called him to account for being absent without an excuse.
If anybody is still absent, please send their names to me.
Let's drink to absent friends.
roztrzepany /absent majndyd/
How often are you absent from lessons or from work due to bad health.
The adventures I read about are absent from my life.
He was apologetic for being absent.

5. abstain

Athletes usually abstain from smoking.
He was told to abstain from drinking by the doctor.
My father tries to abstain from drinking.
Tom was told to abstain from smoking and drinking.
I had to abstain from smoking while I was in the hospital.
I am abstaining out of consideration for the Danish workers ill-treated by globalisation.
abstinence | abstention | abstainer | abstemious | abstinent
"She intends to abstain from sex before marriage"
Rob needs to abstain from eating cakes if he wants to wear his skinny jeans
For this reason, we have decided to abstain on this report
True science teaches us to doubt and to abstain from ignorance.
I abstain from voting.
I'll abstain from going out today.

6. depart

He told us to depart at once.
What time does your plane depart?
The train will depart soon.
The next train arriving at platform 2 will depart for Shibuya at 4:35pm.
That airplane was not able to depart at the regular time.
A stranger you arrive, a friend you depart.
The high speed, high comfort electric train Minsk—Brest will depart in five minutes from the fourth track at the second platform.
Before you depart, let me give you a word of advice.
We can see what time the trains depart from the departure board at the railway station.
He departed for Paris on Tuesday.
After quitting his job Mr Smith departed.
We depart from old-fashioned rules.
If we want to catch a train we have to depart at 8 am.
depart from terminal 1
And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet.

7. discouraged

Don't let me become discouraged.
Political activity tends to be discouraged in most work places.
My parents discouraged me from traveling.
Fear of pollution discouraged people from building homes near power plants.
A miserable sequence of defeats discouraged us.
I discouraged my sister from going out with the leader of the pack.
Don't be discouraged because you are not very talented.
Don't get discouraged if you should fail.
I was deeply discouraged.
He is never discouraged, no matter what difficulties he may face.
Even then he did not allow himself to be discouraged.
The chill of coming winter discouraged our picnic.
And at times when I became discouraged with trying to reconcile working and bringing up children, it was my husband who helped to maintain my determination.
Do not be discouraged if, at first, you have difficulty with a specific exercise.
Steve was already beginning to sound discouraged.

8. suffer

I'm in jail because I robbed a bank and I had to suffer the consequences of my bad deed. Our baseball team suffered a crushing defeat last Sunday.
My friend had a car accident and he has almost all of his bones broken - I can't even imagine how much pain he's suffering.
suffer from
Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat.
It is a shameful fact that, while there are lands where people suffer from hunger, within Japan there are many households and restaurants where much food is thrown away.
Girls are more likely than boys to be malnourished, suffer poverty, face violence and be refused an education, according to a new report.
Refugees will suffer lack of food, water, medicine and all that.
We suffer primarily not from our vices or our weaknesses, but from our illusions.
Also as they are in an intimate relationship they are in a situation where it is easy for them to suffer from violence and difficult for them to bring complaints about that to court.
That's no reason for you to suffer. / 2. We must not let mothers and fathers be the ones to suffer.
● Most of us have suffered the consequences of stupid decisions taken by others.
When they score an important victory, these pilots receive medals just like any others, and in spite of the geographical disconnect from their targets, many suffer emotional trauma from the damage their strikes cause.
Many people suffer from heart disease in Japan, but in Libya those having heart attacks have also increased a lot recently.
Pole position. Nick Heidfeld joined Lotus Reanult GP at the last minute, when team leader Robert Kubica suffered a rally accident that put him out for the rest of the season.

English word "from"(suffer) occurs in sets:

kultura słownictwo 3 gimn 2008/9

9. from

Greetings from Poland.
The changes resulting from the women's movement have affected both women and men.
The goods ordered from England last month have not arrived yet.
I regret that a previous engagement prevents me from accepting your kind invitation.
From time to time, he goes to Tokyo on business.
Tom checked out a few books from the school library a few days ago.
The Balkan Mountain range runs across Bulgaria from west to east.
Each time I see Mary, I learn something new and important from her.
Could you please tell me again what school you graduated from?
The year after I graduated from college, I was finally able to find a job.
Tom managed to escape from the room where his kidnappers had kept him locked up.
It's still too hard to find a job. And even if you have a job, chances are you're having a tougher time paying the rising costs of everything from groceries to gas.
Father comes home from work about nine in the evening.
In most cases, car accidents result from lack of sleep.
Aside from that, is there anything else you want?

English word "from"(from) occurs in sets:

Nicholas' Sight Words

10. departure

Be at the gate at least 30 minutes prior to departure.
departure lounge
Our departure tomorrow is contingent on fair weather.
All the arrangements should be made prior to our departure.
His departure means that there will be peace in the house.
Her sudden departure surprised us all.
You should buy tickets at least a day before the departure.
Can you check the departure time for our flight?
Please fasten your seat belts and prepare for departure.
Rooms should be left vacant by eleven a.m. on the day of departure.
Her behavior was a departure from the normal.
The hour of departure has arrived, and we go our ways — I to die, and you to live. Which is better God only knows.
At last the day of the departure I longed for so much came.
How can I find departures?
All the flight departures from Zurich were late because of bad weather.

English word "from"(departure) occurs in sets:

przyimki po rzeczownikach

11. disqualified

He was disqualified from the competition.
... jailed for corruption and disqualified from running in the...

12. protect

I protected you
He has in his possession films that were never distributed to cinemas to protect them against piracy.
This means that if you try to protect yourself too much, you will only make bigger mistakes.
Imogen of the Internet is torn between filling out the music sections of all her online profiles and ensuring that none of her friends will have ever heard of her favorite bands in order to protect their precious obscurity.
Because we reject the same thing that people of all faiths reject: the killing of innocent men, women, and children. And it is my first duty as President to protect the American people.
The most instinctive act of nearly every creature is to protect its young, and with humans, this response persists for a lifetime.
The dignity of man is inviolable. To respect and protect it is the duty of all state authority.
That is why the U.S. government has gone to court to protect the right of women and girls to wear the hijab, and to punish those who would deny it.
In ancient Rome, the bodyguards who surrounded the wealthy and powerful to protect them when they walked the streets, were called satellites.
Wanting to protect me from myself is about as ingenious as saving a fish from drowning.
Didn't your mother teach you anything? When you meet with scary people always protect your wallet and your arsehole!
I always have a tennis racquet, so if a bat flies near me, I can protect myself.
The most stringent protection of free speech would not protect a man in falsely shouting fire in a theatre and causing a panic.

English word "from"(protect) occurs in sets:

Przyimki niezależne

13. hear

I hear you.
Tom shouted at the top of his lungs so Mary could hear him over the sound of the waterfall.
What's your favorite place to go hear live music?
To hear him speak English, you would take him for an American.
With many students chatting, it was difficult to hear what the professor had to say.
I hear he traveled by bicycle from Hokkaido to Kyushu.
When you hear hoofbeats behind you, don't expect to see a zebra.
His family was poor, and poor people did not often hear music.
When we hear of a divorce we assume that it was caused by the inability of those two people to agree upon fundamentals.
If you listen closely enough you'll be able to hear it.
Wait till the guys at work hear that your wife left you for another woman.
Your joke is funny no matter how many times I hear it.
Long time, no see. I hear that you've changed your job again.
I will come on Wednesday evening unless I hear from you to the contrary.
New Year's cards provide us with the opportunity to hear from friends and relatives.